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Allow me to reintroduce myself!

2024 has been a year of alignment. I started the year “slow” and wanted to be super intentional about the things I wanted to focus on. I called myself taking January to get focused and fully intended on gearing up for 2024 February 1st. Well February became April, and now it’s July 1st!!! Here I am, finally ready to set goals for 2024 smack dab in the middle of the year.

If you’re new to my community, 2024 has been a pivotal year for me. I turned 35 in May and it’s been a very big (ahem) adjustment. I don’t know why turning 30 was so exciting yet 35 is making me feel like I need to analyze my entire life. I mean, I truly feel like I’ve been looking at every aspect of my life with a microscope to make sure it all makes sense and aligns with the woman that I’m trying to become. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, I just feel like 35 is a very serious, big girl age for me! Everything really, truly matters!

This post was fully supposed to reintroduce myself to my community, but as I’m writing, I feel like this may be my way of sharing my journey to figure out who this version of Amanda is in this new season of my life. When I look at Amanda on paper, I have it all figured out. Sure, there have been some hiccups here and there, but for the most part, ya girl is doing good! Yet still, I feel like I have this piece of me that’s still not figured out. I know that I want more and I’m finally feeling like I’m in a space to go after that more, whatever it is!

If you follow me on IG, I’ve invited my community on this journey with me, starting with a 75 Hotter Challenge starting today! I’ve seen the 75 Hard Challenge all over social media and made some tweaks to align with the areas that I want to focus on to jumpstart my “new year”! With this challenge, I’ll be focusing on self improvement, growing my brand, exercising regularly, organizing my life, eating better, and enhancing my self care. These are areas of my life that I need to prioritize so that I can be my healthiest, happiest, and hottest self. I’ll be making a YouTube video to talk through the entire challenge and I’ll be sure to come back and link it for you to view. Until then, here’s my version of the challenge. Feel free to steal mine or make your own if this is something you think will benefit you.

I’m looking forward to the next 75 days of growth! And I’m also looking forward to sharing this journey of self discovery with you! Be sure to follow me on social and subscribe to my YouTube channel to join me!

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